Welcome to my Let's Cook - Ramadan Series. If you don't know what Ramadan is, it's the ninth month of the Islamic calendar when Muslims fast for 30 days, from sunrise to sunset. It's an incredibly spiritual month for many and I wanted to start it off with a staple of this major holiday. Lentil Soup is a staple food of Middle Eastern culture and people tend to break their fast with lentil soup because it is highly nourishing and filling. Lentil soup makes for a great source of protein, fiber, and iron. Middle Easterner's add baked pita chips on top of the soup for an extra crunch and for some extra flavor we squeeze on fresh lemon and garnish the soup with parsley. This is a very simple recipe that you can make for yourself, you do not have to celebrate Ramadan to make it!
Yields: 4 people
Portion: 1 bowl
Prep time: 5-10 minutes
Total time: 40-45 minutes
This recipe is dairy free, gluten free, and vegan.
2 celery sticks, 1 carrot, ¼ of an onion for the mirepoix (an essential base of any soup)
3 cloves minced garlic
1 cup of washed red lentils
2 TBPS of extra virgin olive oil
1-2 TBSPs of cumin (depends on how you like it)
Pita bread
Fresh parsley to garnish