Because honestly, when was the last time you said to yourself, "let me use plums in a recipe"? I sure don't remember up until this recipe. I am adamant on learning how to incorporate more seasonal produce into my life AND yours, so this is my Blended Plum Chia Seed Pudding. But, I have a quick story to tell.
I grabbed these plums at Wegman's and they always have FIRE produce. I used the plums the day I got them (and I shouldn't have), why? Because they weren't fully ripe yet and very sour. When I first blended them up, I fully couldn't eat the pudding because of how tart it was. So, I tried again 4 days later, and the plums were much better, more sweet less tart. So, if you're going to try this recipe, give the plums some time.
I blended the chia seeds with coconut milk for a creamy texture, Greek yogurt for extra protein and creaminess, date syrup for a natural source of added sweetness, and the plums of course. I placed it into the fridge right after in a cute Tupperware, and then had it for a mid day snack. However, you can choose to make this for breakfast as soon as you wake up or put it in the fridge and come back to it after a workout for a great source of protein and energy. I love how easy it is to make these puddings, and I know you're going to love it too.
Yields: 1
Portion: 1 pudding
Prep time: 5 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes - 1 hour (to allow it to sit in fridge)
This recipe is gluten free and vegetarian.
2 ½ tbsp chia seeds
3 tbsp Greek yogurt
½ cup coconut milk
2 diced plum
1 tbsp date syrup (or less depending on your sweetness profile)
Granola for garnish